(Background, L-R) Minister for Consumer Protection, Social Fraud and Equal Opportunities Rob Beenders, Minister of Interior Bernard Quintin, Vice-prime Minister and minister of Economy and Work David Clarinval, Vice-prime minister and Budget Minister Vincent Van Peteghem, Minister of Defence and Foreign Trade Theo Francken, Minister of Asylum and Migration, Social Integration and Major Cities Anneleen Van Bossuyt, (Foreground, L-R) Minister of Middle Classes Eleonore Simonet, Minister of Climate and Mobility Jean-Luc Crucke, Minister of Justice Annelies Verlinden, Secretary of the ministers council Anne-Laure Mouligneaux, Prime Minister Bart De Wever, Vice-prime minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Prevot, Vice-prime minister and Minister of Finance, Combating Tax Fraud, Pensions, National Lottery and Cultural Institutions Jan Jambon, Minister of Public Modernisation Vanessa Matz and Minister of Energy Mathieu Bihet pose during the first ministers council of the new Arizona government, at the Prime Minister's office in Brussel on February 4, 2025. Negotiators from the five parties that make up the Arizona coalition - the N-VA, MR, Engages, Vooruit and CD&V - reached a government agreement last Friday evening. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE/Belga/AFP via Getty Images)